Jog-a-thon 2024
23 Oct, 2024

PDF Pledge Form
Link to Optional Class Colors for Jog-A-Thon
Jog-A-Thon Pledge Link (Where you can pay online)
- Select "open" under the fundraiser graphic.
- Select "view" under the Jog-a-Thon logo
- Under "price" put the amount you wish to pledge (it must be over $10 to play online)
- Under "quantity" leave it as 1
- Under "recipient" put the name of the student who your are pledging the amount for
- Select add to cart and go through the payment process.
Money raised for this fundraising event goes to our general fund to support our classrooms with EA’s and classroom materials.
Our Goal this year is to raise $30,000! If each student at TMEMS collects just $68.00 in pledges, we will meet our goal. Please help your child get pledges! Any amount is appreciated. Pledges may be:
- An Exact dollar amount. For example $10.00
- An amount per lap. For example $1.00 per lap.
Pledges may be paid by:
- Cash
- Check. Checks can be made out to TMES.
- Credit card.
- Online through our Infinite Campus store. Online must be $10.00 and above. Smaller amounts can be paid with cash or check.
We all look forward to this fun day of running or walking and showing our TMEMS school spirit. The classroom that completes the most laps will get a pizza party! Classes will be split by grades for the pizza party.
- Kinder - 3rd
- 4th - 8th
If you have any questions about pledges, please contact: Ms. Ashley at
Announcements & Reminders