TMES 9 - 11, Upper Elementary Program


Building on the six to nine-year-old curriculum and philosophy, the nine to eleven-year-old class extends academic and social concepts to higher levels of abstraction and sophistication. Children enjoy working with square roots, beginning algebraic concepts, and plane and solid geometry. Word functions, sentence diagramming, and clause and phrase analysis are just part of the integrated whole-language approach. Great books and novel reading make language and reading skills fascinating. Early humans and great civilizations are a continuation of Time Line studies. Beginning chemistry is explored in relation to the origin of the universe. Drama, music, and performance opportunities enrich the curriculum in the nine to twelve-year-old classroom.


Specific Indicators for Success

  1. The child must be no younger than nine years old.
  2. The child must be capable of attending to a given task for a specific time period. (Time varies with the task).
  3. The child must demonstrate self-motivation and self-control.
  4. The child's maturity and emotional development are appropriate for fourth grade or above


The Upper Elementary is comprised of ages 9 to 11 years of age, grades 4 and 5.  We currently have four classes serving these grades.


Ms. Jamie Kircher

9-11 Teacher

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Ms. Jennifer Born

9-11 Teacher

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Ms. Samantha Crayton

9-11 Teacher

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Ms. Sherry Haworth

9-11 Lead Teacher

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