For School Year 2024-2025
TMEMS/Casita Montano Campus
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedure!
Please see the map for a visual reference for Drop-Off & Pick-Up procedures.
There are two groups and each family will belong to one or the other (not both). The two groups are Families with TMMS middle school students and families without TMMS middle school students. See below for complete details for both groups.
General Information & Reminders:
- Refer to map for traffic flow direction and specifics. It is very important that you do not go against the flow of traffic at any time or make a left out of the campus onto Montano at any time.
- Notify the school ASAP if your pick-up plans change.
- Also, remember to drive slowly, stay off your cell phone, keep music to a low level, and be aware of your surroundings at all times!
Families with a TMMS Student & Siblings of current TMMS Students-
Click here to see a detailed map. Your Drop-Off and Pick-Up area are on the NORTH side of the campus, parallel to Montano Rd NW. Both Drop-off and Pick-up times are listed below and have the same procedure when going through the drive-thru lanes. Please make sure to follow directions from our staff directing traffic and students. It is important that you stay alert (off your cell phone, music to a low level, not distracted) for the safety of our students and staff!
Drop-off times are 8:15 am until 8:35 am in the Drive-thru lanes on the North side of the building.
Pick-up times are 3:10 pm until 3:25 pm in the Drive-thru lanes on the North side of the building.
- Enter from the main east entrance of the school and immediately turn right into the north side of the school.
- Two lanes are available for Drop-off; please choose and stay in one lane. Students will be released to exit your car once you are one of the first two vehicles (in the painted boxes). Students should exit their vehicle, then follow the directions of our staff to go on the sidewalk to enter the gate on the West side of the building.
- Cars in both lanes must merge into one lane to exit onto Montano (eastbound).
Please use the procedure listed above between 8:15 and 8:35 am. If you need to drop off your child before 8:15 am, you will need to sign them into our Before Care program. If you arrive on campus for drop-off after 8:35 am, you will need to drop your child off in the South parking lot so they can enter through the front door.
Parents are not allowed to go past our Lobby area. Thank you for understanding.
- Enter from the main east entrance of the school and immediately turn right into the north side of the school.
- Two lanes are available for pickup; please choose and stay in one lane. Students will be released to walk to your car after checking in with the teacher on duty.
- Cars in both lanes must merge into one lane to exit onto Montano (eastbound).
Please note: any student not picked by 3:25 pm sharp will be escorted to After Care and parents will be billed accordingly. See our Before & After Care page for childcare details and fees.
North Drive-Thru pick-up reminders for TMMS & their siblings:
- Please use both lanes for pick-up. Don’t forget that you merge into one lane when exiting our school.
- This is a drive-thru pick-up procedure so unless you need to help your child with their seat belt, please stay in your car.
Families without a current TMMS Student-
Click here to see a detailed map. Your Drop-Off and Pick-Up area are on the SOUTH side of the campus, in the main parking lot. Both Drop-off and Pick-up times are listed below. Please make sure to follow directions from our staff directing traffic and students. It is important that you stay alert (off your cell phone, music to a low level, not distracted) for the safety of our students and staff!
Drop-off times are 8:15 am until 8:40 am in the main parking lot.
Pick-up times are 2:50 pm until 3:05 pm in the main parking lot.
You may drop off your student in one of two ways:
- "Quick Drop-off"- Drop your student off at the sidewalk on the circle; please make sure they are on the sidewalk before you leave. (This method is for students who are ready to exit the car quickly. If you have to exit the car to help your child out in any way, please use one of the other options below.)
- Pull into one of the many spots (in the back parking lot please!) that are along the sidewalk and ensure your child is on the sidewalk before you leave. (This method would be great for students who take a little longer to exit the car.) We ask that you please park in the back parking lot (where the buses are parked), for faster and easier exiting.
Parents are not allowed to go past our Lobby area. Thank you for understanding.
- Enter from the main east entrance of the school, and continue South toward the main parking lot.
- Students will be at their designated class pick-up area with their class at 2:50 pm.
- All parents must park their car, wear a mask, and pick up their child/children from their designated area. Parents may not stay in their car and wave their child over, no matter what level the student is in. All students (4-6, 6-9 & 9-11) must be picked up from their class area by an approved pick-up person.
- Refer to the map to locate your child/children’s class.
Please note: any student not picked up by 3:05 pm sharp will be escorted to After Care and parents will be billed accordingly. See our Before & After Care page for childcare details and fees.
South Parking Lot pick-up reminders:
- Parents must park their car and walk up to each class group to pick-up their child in the South Parking Lot. Our staff has been directed to not dismiss a child to parents until the parent has walked up to the class at the designated spot on the map. We also reminded the students to stay with their class until they have reached the designated spot so please do not try to take your child out of line in the hallway or while the class is walking outside.