Frequently Asked Questions
What is ‘Open Enrollment?
Open Enrollment is the time period in which applications will be accepted for the TMEMS Lottery to build Kindergarten classes and any other vacancies for the upcoming school year. The open enrollment period for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on December 2nd, 2024. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are available on the Application for Enrollment page. The Initial Lottery pull for TMEMS will be held at the February meeting of our Governing Council. If you would like to know your child's place on the waitlist after the initial pull, please email Ms. Amanda
Spaces available will be determined by subtracting the number of continuing students from the number of available spaces for each grade level.
If the number of applicants is less than or equal to the available spaces for each grade, these students will be notified that they have been admitted to TMEMS for the coming year.
If the number of applicants exceeds the available spaces for a given grade, a Lottery process will be used to fill available spaces for that grade.
How does the ‘Lottery’ process work?
All applications will be assigned a number. Application numbers for the grade level needing to be filled will be placed in the Lottery container. When a number is drawn the number will be announced and recorded in the order drawn until all available spaces are filled.
Please note: Any student expelled or suspended from any other school, including another charter school, shall be considered to be expelled or suspended from TMEMS and will not be eligible for admission to TMEMS.
How do I know if my child receives an opening after the Lottery draw?
In the week following the Lottery, you will be contacted by email or phone to be notified your child’s application was chosen in the Lottery. If your child’s application is not drawn in the Lottery, you will not receive an email or phone call.
If one of my children gets in through the Lottery, do my other children automatically get a spot?
Siblings of TMEMS students are admitted if appropriate space is available.
Will my child have to go through the open enrollment process every year?
Continuing TMEMS students are automatically admitted upon their completion of an ‘Intent to Return’ Admissions form.
What is needed for registration after my child’s application has been drawn in the Lottery?
You will be required to complete our online registration, every year, before the first day of school. We also require you to bring in a birth certificate and updated shot record or valid exemption form from the State of New Mexico. It is state law that every child shows proof of age and has an up-to-date immunization record or valid exemption form to attend school.
My child’s birthday is after the September 1st deadline for Kindergarten. Can my child still be enrolled in TMEMS?
The State of New Mexico specifies that in order for a child to be enrolled in Kindergarten, their fifth birthday must fall on or before September 1st that year. Any child whose birthday falls after September 1st must wait until the next year to be enrolled in Kindergarten.
Do I have to complete registration every year my child attends TMEMS?
Online registration must be completed every school year your child attends TMEMS. Before your child can start school every year, registration must be completed, including an updated shot record or valid exemption form from the State of New Mexico.
Does my child have to participate in Strings class?
Yes. TMEMS is a Montessori/Suzuki Music charter school. Every child who attends TMEMS is not only given a Montessori-based education, but also a strong curriculum in Suzuki Music, including violin or cello. These two philosophies work together to give each child a world-class education. Any child who attends our school is required to be an active participant in every aspect of our learning environment, including Strings class and music classes in general.
Is there mandatory parent involvement?
Yes. We believe that parent involvement in their child’s education is an important part of a student’s success in school. We require that each TMEMS family attend Parent Violin or Cello Classes. This ensures that you will be able to help your child practice at home. It’s also a great way to understand the correlation between the Montessori Method and Suzuki Music! Parents are also expected to attend occasional Parent Education nights and biannual Parent/Teacher conferences.
What about lunch?
At TMEMS, we strive to give our children the best learning environment possible and healthy nutrition is an integral part of our cultural studies. We believe that sugar, candy, soda, etc. do not belong at our school. We do not have food available for purchase so it is the responsibility of the parent to implement these healthy practices in packing a snack and lunch every day for their child/children.
How much does it cost to enroll my child in your school?
Kindergarten through 8th grade is a FREE public school! There is no tuition to attend our school for students in grades Kindergarten - 8th grade.
There is no Application Fee for either our Elementary or Middle School.
Are there any before or aftercare programs available?
Before Care is available from 6:45-8:15 am at our Montano Campus, with a flat fee of $5.00 per day per child. After Care is available until 6:00 pm, with a flat fee of $10.00 per day per child. There is a $15.00 registration fee per year/per child for the program. If your child is not picked up by their normal scheduled pick-up time, they will be in After Care and you will be billed the flat fee for the service.
Before Care is available from 7:30-8:15 am at our Carmel Campus, with a flat fee of $5.00 per day per child. After Care is available until 5:00 pm, with a flat fee of $10.00 per day per child. There is a $15.00 registration fee per year/per child for the program. If your child is not picked up by their normal scheduled pick-up time, they will be in After Care and you will be billed the flat fee for the service.
I missed ‘Meet TMEMS Day’. When is the next tour?
The only tour we have scheduled for Saturday, February 1, 2025, is from 10:00 AM to noon at our Montano Campus and 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM at our Carmel Campus. See our Open House page for more details. Meet TMEMS Day is the once-a-year opportunity we give the public to tour our buildings. We will give tours on an as-needed basis to applicants and their families who have been given a position through the lottery process. We cannot give personal tours otherwise. Thank you for respecting and understanding our policy to give our current students the best learning environment possible.