Halloween Reminders

30 Oct, 2023
Halloween Reminders

Good afternoon, 

I hope you are doing well! We wanted to send a quick reminder about Halloween and what to expect at school. Please see below:

Costumes are NOT allowed at TMEMS. Please do not send your student in a costume tomorrow, 10/31. Our Montessori classrooms are designed to provide a focused and undistracted space for learning. By coming to school in their regular attire, students can fully engage with their work and materials, as they do every day. This consistency helps maintain the learning atmosphere that we value. 

Please make sure that your students do not bring in their candy after Halloween this year. We kindly request that the candy stays at home and that a healthy lunch be sent so students can learn and focus. 

Thank you for your help with these items and we look forward to a week filled with learning and fun! 


Amanda Hagerty

TMEMS Principal